
Some interesting thought I think I should share.

Sutter’s Mill

On yesterday’s thread, I just wrote in a comment:

@Jon: Yes, C++ is complex and the complexity is largely because of C compatibility. I agree with Bjarne that there’s a small language struggling to get out — I’ve participated in private experiments to specify such a language, and you can do it in well under half the complexity of C++ without losing the expressivity and flexibility of C++. However, it does require changes to syntax (mainly) and semantics (secondarily) that amount to making it a new language, which makes it a massive breaking change for programs (where existing code doesn’t compile and would need to be rewritten manually or with a tool) and programmers (where existing developers need retraining). That’s a very big tradeoff. So just as C++ ‘won’ in the 90s because of its own strengths plus its C compatibility, C++11 is being adopted because of its own strengths…

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